Matt Stichter - "Flourishing goals, metacognitive skills, and the virtue of wisdom"

Dove e quando

Zoom, 11.11.2022 17:00 CEST

The registration of the talk is available here.

Matt Stichter (Washington State University)

Flourishing goals, metacognitive skills, and the virtue of wisdom

In this talk, I’ll elaborate some details of an account of wisdom based on my philosophical account of virtue as skill, and its grounding in self-regulatory and goal-oriented theories in psychology and cognitive science. I’ll further discuss how this compares and contrasts to both the common wisdom model discussed by Grossmann, and a rival account of wisdom based on Aristotelian phronesis proposed by Kristjánsson. I’ll focus on resolving two areas of contention between those models: accounting for moral aspirations and motivation (by drawing on goal theory); and the role of emotion in wisdom (by suggesting an enactivist approach).

Last update 12 December 2022